Women Health: During Pregnancy Stage

Women are considered to be the most beautiful gift of God to this earth. They are delicate and very sensitive both physically and emotionally. When it comes to women health, there are certain important things that one needs to consider maintaining a good health. Pregnancy is a very difficult period for a woman during which maintaining a good health is very essential. The eating habits during pregnancy should always be taken into consideration. Having a healthy and nutritious diet during pregnancy is very important for a woman. However, it is not as easy as it sounds to be. When the embryo develops, it takes nutrients from the mother's body. Therefore, it becomes critical to have the items that the fetus needs to grow and develop in a healthy manner. Moreover, in order to sustain the strength and thus, to avoid complications during delivery of the child, the mother needs to stay as healthy as possible. Therefore, the woman needs to have healthy diets to reduce stress and provide rich breast milk for the baby's nourishment after the birth.

Doctors usually prescribe to take pre-natal vitamins to ensure that the pregnant lady can get enough nutrition every day. A pregnant woman is required to eat various kinds of food items, but most preferably the natural fresh and unprocessed food items. A woman of normal weight should take approximately 200 to 300 m extra calories per day to develop the bay normally. However, these calories should get from the foods taken by the pregnant lady. Medical professionals always recommend certain kinds of diets when it comes to maintain good health of a pregnant woman. They usually include dairy foods, foods full of protein, fresh food and vegetables, breads, cereals and grains, and fat.

As dairy food items, such as milk, yogurt and cheese have calcium, protein and vitamin D in a rich amount, they are very much important for a pregnant women. The woman who don't take milk or dried milk power, they may face certain problems to maintain their good health during pregnancy.

Usually, protein is available in animal and vegetable sources. The animal foods include: fish, chicken, beef, pork, eggs etc and the vegetables include tofu, nuts, seeds and beans. For the woman who follows a vegetarian food habit, for them eating fresh vegetables full of protein can fulfill the essential protein needs in her body during pregnancy.

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is recommended always by the medical professional during the pregnancy. The fresh fruits and vegetables are the great source of different nutrients which is essential for a pregnant woman. Orange vegetable such as carrots, winter squash, yellow peppers are great sources of vitamin A. The green leafy vegetables are very important element during pregnancy as they are high in fiber, iron and other nutrients. Ultimately, we can say that pregnancy is that stage of a woman's life where many considerations are needed to be taken care of to maintain a good health condition.